Whether you use the submission form or phone us, we will ask you some questions about yourself so we can understand the context of your submission, and contact you if we need to ask you any follow-up questions.
The Royal Commission particularly wants to hear about:
• Incidents of violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation of people with disability
• Complaints processes and outcomes
• Lack of access to support or services
• Quality of disability support services
• Examples of best practice and innovation
Some of these may not be relevant for you. If you are using the form, please just answer the questions you are able to. If you are providing your submission another way, please provide as much relevant information as you have. The questions above are a guide.
For more detail about all the areas being considered by the Royal Commission, see the Terms of Reference.https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/about/Pages/letters-patent.aspx