Schools List

Schools do not always act transparently and openly in relation to the practices they use to respond to students with disabilities.

If you are a school mentioned on this page and believe the information you see is factually incorrect, please contact us. Similarly, if you are a school mentioned on this website and the information we have posted was correct, but has been superseded by some formal policy, personnel or procedural change, please contact us and provide that  information in order that we are able to consider publishing any change to procedures/approach.  As at January 2024, no school mentioned has corrected the information posted about it.

For more details on violent practices against students in individual schools and responses by DET, see the attached submission to the Federal Senate Inquiry into the abuse of people with disabilities. DET  was provided with an opportunity to counter all or any allegations in this report, and in its response, did not do so.

Senate Inquiry into Abuse of People with Disabilities  Submission.

For more details on the failure of individual schools to educate children with disabilities and their inability to write Individual Education Plans, see the attached submission to the Federal Senate inquiry into educational attainment for students with disabilities. Submission Senate Inquiry Educational Attainment

While these reports are 2015/2016, little has changed since then.

It should be noted that the term “restrictive practices” is referring to restrictive practices that are often unnecessary, as they are being carried out in the absence of evidence-based behavioural strategies. In these situations, such practices should be seen as violence, abuse and neglect.

While parents may wish to use this as a guide to what may or may not be a suitable school for their child with a disability, parents without children with a disability may also wish to reflect on the general culture of a school environment where children with disabilities are not welcome and/or are mistreated.

Last Updated January 2023


ALFREDTON PRIMARY SCHOOL  Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Restraint and seclusion reported as being used against child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Restraint documented. Seclusion observed.



A number of students with disabilities banned from school activities due to “behaviours”.

A number of students with disabilities have left the college.

Behaviour contracts used.



This school has had two discrimination complaints lodged against it.  In one case, despite being provided parent and medical evidence of a child’s serious mental health deterioration due to their treatment at the school, the school continued the same treatment, being refusal to allow the student full-time enrolment. The student was forced to leave the school on medical advice.

This also occurred with another child in 2016, with the same 1-2 hour restriction until they left.  Another child was required to leave the school due to bullying, unaddressed by the school.

Most recently, staff for years managed to miss the fact that a boy had a learning disorder until it was too late.  When asked to urgently put in intensive evidence based remedial programs, they put in place Toe by Toe for a few minutes per day.  Their responses to behaviours of concern are behaviour contracts, isolation and punishment.  Sandra O’Meara organised a suspension notice which had no end date to be sent to a child’s parents.  Ms O’Meara refused to provide an end date and the child’s advocate had to go to the region, by which time Ms O’Meara had been able to force the boy to stay at home for weeks.  Original document still held.

Note marking of maths questions for child with learning disorders.  12×5=50.  9 divide by 3= 6.  This is one of a few with similar errors. Balnarring Maths

This school uses Tresspass Orders against parents complaining about the treatment of students with disabilities.



Behaviour Responses  

Uses martial arts experts to train staff in behaviour interventions (see website of James Sumarac



Restrictive  Practices 

Multiple internal and external seclusion areas in use for many years. Photographs supplied.

Inhumane and degrading seclusion areas used in recent past (see Senate Committee Report “Violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings” November 2015 p104 Senate Report Abuse of People with Disabilities)

Multiple reports and documented evidence of cages in classes used.

Staff trained by martial arts expert James Sumarac.

Staff trained  in the use of pressure points.

Staff claim they place  students  with epilepsy in pens/cages post seizure for their safety.

Structure  below erected at Bendigo SDS “in accordance with the student’s Behaviour Management Plan” in “consultation with the Department’s OHS Representatives”. (quote taken from  investigation into  Bendigo Special Developmental School)

Safe Room_0002

The pen Bendigo SDS staff put students, they claim for “self-regulation”.

Clothesline Yard 1


Investigation into Bendigo Special Developmental school

New Principal since 2016. While failing to criticise what had occurred at the school, Minister James Merlino admitted that the cages had been taken out of classrooms. Some of the same staff accused of (and witnessed using) violence against students with disabilities remain.  Current Principal Kirsty McAinsh defended the school’s past practices in October 2023.



Disability discrimination complaint 2023. College does not hold termly SSGs, does not collaborate with parents in relation to Individual Education Plans.  Allegedly had an IEP in place but did not show it to the parents for eight months.  Student had to leave on advice from allied health practitioners due to mental health deterioration.



This school is reported to be extremely welcoming of students with disabilities and embraces difference. It is flexible with its learning style. It is reported to be very accepting of the different idiosyncrasies that students with cognitive disabilities may have. It provides excellent recovery opportunities for students who have been forced out of Drouin and Drouin South Primary Schools. 2023


BULLEEN HEIGHTS SCHOOL              Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Physical restraint reported against children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Video footage.

Use of locked court yard for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder – numerous reports. Photographed.

Promotion of medication to parents reported.

Martial Arts expert has trained staff in restraint.

Behaviour Responses

Endorse having Behaviour Plans in staff members “heads”, written on whiteboards and placed on walls – no document available to parents. 



Three discrimination complaints lodged in 2023.

Segregation of students with disabilities.

Rather than behavioural support, school uses restricted attendance to deal with behaviours of concern, to the point that one student has missed out on most of his six years primary school education.

Staff get involved in medication decisions, urging increases rather than paying for supports.

Student restrained by staff in 2023. Staff deny despite documented bruising by medical professional.

Principal needed to be threatened with an intervention order to stop contacting parent.

WorkCover claims by staff, numerous experienced staff have left.

Principal Rosemary Critchley.

Previously worked at Bendigo SDS during period of regular false imprisonment of children, cages in classrooms, multiple allegations of physical assault of children by staff.



Discrimination complaint against the school 2018. Staff reinforce behaviours of concern by teaching students that if they demonstrate behaviours they can go home. Refusal to allow one child more than two hours a day of attendance. Failure to teach functional communication. Failure to educate-little respect for capacity of students who are non-verbal. Legal Division heavily involved in directing the education of students with disabilities who make complaints.

CROYDON SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTAL SCHOOL        Restrictive Practices Reported

Assault and false imprisonment of children leaving injuries. 2021/2022.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.


Behaviour Responses

Have used martial arts expert to train staff in behaviour interventions (see website of James Sumarac



Two discrimination complaints lodged against the school. School handles behaviours of concern by restricting attendance, suspensions and expulsion. Principal found not to have followed proper expulsion procedure. The school is considered a mental health risk for students with cognitive disabilities e.g. Autism, ADHD, ODD etc. Student subjected to exclusion from excursions, exclusion from classrooms. Principal-Brad Whellar.


DROUIN SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL   Restrictive Practices Reported

Two discrimination complaints lodged against the school. Bullying against students with disabilities long-standing and neglected. Principal refuses to provide incident reports on staff violence and student to student violence to parents. Multiple suspensions used against students with behaviours of concern, no behaviour plan in place, suspension procedures not followed. Student reports of violence against students by principal, Michael Smith, school refused to respond. Students with behaviours of concern are restricted from school attendance (eg  to 2 hours per day) rather than a behaviour supports being put in place. Incident reports also being held back by the FOI Unit. Parent has reported bullying by principal. Region refuses to respond to parents in relation to complaint.

School receiving disability funds on the basis of false reports from Department of Education student support services officers who undertook assessments without consent and failed to provide assessments to parents.

Failure to hold Student Support Group meetings, failure to provide suspension notices.  2019

EASTERN RANGES (Wantirna Heights School)                   Restrictive  Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder repeatedly placed in bathroom in response to challenging behaviours. Sharp surfaces, door sometimes shut, no register, no parental consent.

Martial Arts expert has trained staff in restraint.

“Timeout” Room door locked, windows covered. Photograph supplied.

Since moving to Ferntree Gully, no personal observations of seclusion room, however seclusion continues in to 2018, using ‘courtyards’.

Reports and photographs of child injured on numerous occasions at new school, no incident reports.

Child secluded in outdoor pen in winter in response to vomiting. 2018

Respond to behaviours with punishment.

Behaviour Responses

Behaviour Plans in staff members “heads” – no document available to parents.

Individual Learning Plans

Staff claim that school reports are Individual Learning Plans  


Parent reports multiple injuries to child over a two year period, documented by photographs, no incident reports provided, psychological deterioration in child, medical assistance needed, left school. Upon change of school all psychological symptoms gone, injuries ceased.

Practices fully supported by Department of Education.


EPPALOCK PRIMARY SCHOOL            Restrictive Practices Reported

Numerous students with disabilities withdrawn from this school.

Physical Restraint reported.

Bullying including sexualised bullying.

Unable to effectively work with behaviours of concern.

Numerous parents report psychological deterioration in their children prior to withdrawal.

“Unwritten” behaviour plans used.

Vast improvements reported as at 2018.




Aides procured for a child with moderate-severe Autism Spectrum Disorder and severe behaviours of concern included  the school’s maintenance man,  and a local school crossing supervisor.


FITZROY PRIMARY SCHOOL                    Restrictive Practices

Physical restraint used in preference to professional behaviour support. Prohibited physical restraints used. Restraints not reported to parents. Restraint policy is not complied with. Individual education plans withheld from student with disabilities. Student Support Group guidelines not followed.

Victimisation of parents. Heavy use of suspensions.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.

Discrimination complaint settled 2022.


GOLDEN SQUARE PRIMARY SCHOOL           Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Parent/child reports child with autism taped to chair.

Physical restraint used on more than one child. Photograph of injury supplied.

School merged with Maple Street Primary School.



Numerous discrimination complaints against the school. Refusal to enrol, refusal to provide reasonable adjustments. Staff don’t understand what evidence-based literacy programs are. Discrimination caused suicidal ideation in student. When student expressed suicidal tendencies, parents were not advised until the next day. Principal Wayne Haworth breached agreement made at the Australian Human Rights Commission.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.


Three discrimination complaints lodged 2015-2017.  Involved deliberate placement  of a student with physical disabilities up stairs, requiring her to use dangerous external emergency stairway on side of building. Reports to Principal of serious mental health problems due to trauma of enrolment – no appropriate action taken. Serious long standing serious and physical bullying issues of a student with a disability, unaddressed by the school. Student with disabilities assaulted, photographs taken of injuries, by bullies. Absence of any compassion shown. Legal Division heavily involved in complaints by the parents of students with disabilities.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.

Principal Justine Mackay.


JACKSON SCHOOL               Restrictive Practices Reported 

Restrictive Practices

Case study: Child attending from 2005-2016. Frequent physical restraint – documentation of individual incidents. No formal Student Support Group meetings, no formal Individual Education Plan for the enrolment period. Multiple suspensions. No Formal Behaviour Plan, no intensive behaviour support for the enrolment. As soon as the student left the school, behaviours of concern ceased, except for trauma related behaviours due to treatment.  Discrimination complaint made 2018, frequent physical restraint isolation and exclusion. No intensive communication/language support. 2018 SBS documentary reveals attitudes towards students who cannot communicate “not a priority”. Parent witnessed Principal Joan O’Connor Cox opening door to seclusion room where student was lying on the ground, no air-conditioning, no supports.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.


KILBERRY VALLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL  Restrictive Practices Reported

This school has changed its approach to students of disabilities since a Vice Principal left. Once a flagship for DET Inclusion, there has been evidence of the school attempting not to enrol students with disabilities, and complaints of discrimination have been and are being made against the school in 2019. Complaints involve a presumption of complete lack of capacity, inability to write meaningful Individual Education Plans, failure to teach communication for students who are non-verbal, and in one case, a persuasive argument as to why a student, for the sixth year in a row, should have goal of making a mark on a piece of paper.  Phsycial restraint used as ‘de-escalation’ strategies.



Multiple complaints including litigation. Serious injury, bullying, grooming, staff recorded suggesting students should be put in a cage and fight each other. “Independent” investigation continues 2022. Like other investigations, report sent back to the DET with no public accountability. As a result, many parents not participating in investigation. Bullying of honest staff, staff on WorkCover, many students removed by parents.  Legal action for negligence settled 2023.  Sexual assaults of students by other students.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.



In 2016, Julie Hommelhoff, ex-principal of the infamous Bendigo Special Developmental School took over the Principal position here.  Shortly after, she decided to put all the students with behaviours of concern in one class, prompting a number of families to immediately remove their children from school. At least one parent was advised that her child could not attend recess with the regular students unless he earned points to do so.



Parents of children with learning disabilities have found this school very welcoming and open to using evidence-based and best practice approaches in relation to the learning of literacy and numeracy.


Restrictive practices

Physical restraint.

The form below was distributed to parents in June 2016. Due to outcry, it was withdrawn, however schools do not actually require parental permission to restrain under the Department of Education’s oft quoted Regulation 15 (now Reg 25) of the Education and Training Reform Act.

Mahogany Rise restraint permission form



MANOR LAKES SECONDARY COLLEGE  Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Restraint used against student with Autism. Documented.

Staff have been trained by martial arts expert.

Student reports being hit in throat by maintenance man/ju jitsu trainer.


MANSFIELD AUTISTIC STATEWIDE SERVICES                    Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive Practices

Mansfield has a school which it operates out of its main headquarters. Charging thousands of dollars, and despite one of their mottos being “supporting people to achieve dignity without restraint”, restraining and secluding children with behaviours of concern is exactly what they do. They subject children with behaviours of concern to restrictive practices without bringing in behavioural experts to undertake Functional Behaviour Assessments, and therefore their internal behaviour plans fail and children/young people are instead subjected to violence from staff.


MAPLE STREET PRIMARY SCHOOL     Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Physical restraint repeatedly used against student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (see Bendigo Advertiser 9 April 2013). Documented.

Staff trained in restraint. School Psychologist endorsed.


MARNEBEK SCHOOL                  Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Mechanical and physical restraint, and seclusion used against students. Multiple reports. Documented.

Students shut in high fenced court yards and locked in small time out room.

Records show students in ‘time out’ for significant periods of time.

An FOI request for the “Timeout register” in 2020 revealed that against DET procedure, Marnebek was not recording most of the occasions that it was falsely imprisoning children.

Student Support Group meetings do not comply with DET guidelines.

Written complaints about restraint not responded to by Principal. Correspondence sighted.

The “Senior Clinician and Challenging Behaviour Analyst” from 2010 to 2016 was a social worker.

Students leaving the school due to grievances have shown immediate and significant improvements in academic, social and behaviour skill areas. See (‘Leaving Marnebek’ document)

Behaviour Plans are generally developed by teachers and the “Challenging Behaviour Analyst”.

At least 4 legal cases have been lodged against Marnebek, one unsuccessful (VCAT), one successful and two settled by DET.

Kathy Weston has been AP for the years abuse has taken place.


Despite the complexity of the student population, teachers do not need to be special education trained and aides are not required to have any qualification. One aide working with children with severe Autism Spectrum Disorder, for example, previously worked at Kmart directly before working at Marnebek.  This staff member was recorded swearing at a child.

The Allied Health Clinical Services Team Leader was found on social media  to describe  a male with Asperger’s  as a “dead set weirdo”  and “not the full picnic”  due to the fact that he wasn’t following social rules in public.



Few supports for students with disabilities, no formal Student Support Group meetings, no best practice Individual Education Plans. Widespread bullying of a physical nature which presents a significant danger to students with disabilities. Bullying not addressed by staff.



Restrictive practices

Photographic evidence of children strapped into chairs and strollers in order to address children running around. Some chairs nailed to boards to further restrict children.

In August 2014, ANZUK, an educational recruitment agency, advertised for aides with martial arts training to work with children with disabilities in schools in a number of suburbs, including Wheelers Hill. Monash SDS denied they have aides trained in martial arts but could not nominate an alternative school in Wheelers Hill that the advertisement may have been referring to.  School admits to restrictive practices, using harnesses to control children on a daily basis. Children also tied to toilets.


The Principal Helen McCoy until recently ties to Anne Hamilton-Burne from the cult, ‘the Family’.   See

Consultants providing professional development to the school have included Conflict Management International,  who have a background in police, military and martial arts.

Student Support Group meetings can be held without parents, even if the parent requests the meeting.

Subsequent to parents complaining about inappropriate practices, the Principal created a policy preventing parents from taking their children to the classrooms during school hours. Parents who complained report victimisation and deteriorating relationships with all staff.

Students pulled out due to grievances have shown an immediate improvement in skill areas.

Serious incidents not always documented.

In 2016, a student was left on a bus as the bus company did not check the bus, and the Monash class teacher did not follow up the student’s unexplained absence.  In 2018, Principal on leave, unsure of return.  In December 2020, Mrs McCoy’s wildlife organisation was found to have inappropriately received assets in order that The Family could avoid payouts to victims of assault.  Complaint to Department of Education and Training in relation to Ms McCoy was not upheld. DET supported Ms McCoy until she left, despite her involvement in a cult sexually abusing children.

Practices fully supported by Department of Education.



Several discrimination complaints against Mt Erin lodged between 2009 and 2014. Settled by Department of Education and Training.   Complaints continued to be made about how the school treat students with disabilities. One individual education plan sighted 2018, there were derogatory comments about the student included in the plan.


OLYMPIC VILLAGE PRIMARY SCHOOL (formerly Charles Latrobe Primary School

Parents had to withdraw their child with autism in late 2016 when instead of agreeing to put in place the recommendations in a Functional Behaviour Assessment to address self injurious behaviour, the Principal refused and suggested instead “the use of protective head wear to minimise the impact any head banging may have upon” development.


PENINSULA SPECIAL SCHOOL     Restrictive practices

Students with behaviours of concern subjected to suspensions and restricted attendance rather than evidence based behavioural approaches. Functional communication not taught. Little effort put into the education of students with intellectual disability.  One student left the school after 4 1/2 years having virtually no academic skills despite no intellectual disability.  Correspondence from parents to Peter Koop Principal often ignored.  Bullying repeatedly reported. Discrimination complaints lodged in 2018, 2021 and 2022. Physical attacks on students by other students. These involve weapons. At least one student diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to treatment by other students and the Principal.

As of the end of 2022, Peter Koop on leave.

2023 sexual assault student to student.



After a child with Autism had attended three primary schools, suffering bullying to the point of suicidal ideation, suspension and expulsion due to behaviours of concern, exclusion, and isolation he was enrolled at Ringwood North Primary School.

No suspensions, no exclusion, involvement in excursions, positive interactions, leading to almost complete mitigation of behaviours of concern. Child thriving.



Since a new principal in late 2015, the school has deteriorated in relation to its handling of students with disabilities, which it does with suspension rather than any evidence based behaviour approaches. Discrimination complaint lodged against the school in 2017. Settled.  Second discrimination complaint, 2022.



This school has a discrimination complaint against it as at 2021. The Principal Hugh Greer undertakes Functional Behaviour Assessments for children with behaviours of concern without consent. When asked what his qualifications were to do such an assessment, he refused to respond, with the backing of the Region, on approximately 4/5 occasions. Legal Division heavily involved in the education of students with disabilities who make complaints. Constant requests for information are obstructed. Child at risk of death due to staff refusing to follow anaphylaxis plan. Does not welcome parent input into Individual Education Plans and Behaviour Plans.  No knowledge of what SMART goals are.  Principal given medical certificate on multiple occasions to tell him to stop contacting a female parent and refused.  Parent has medical report stating these interactions caused psychological damage.    Falsifies minutes disparaging parents and then refuses to correct.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.

SOUTHERN AUTISTIC SCHOOL           Restrictive Practices Reported – multiple

Behaviour Responses –
Has endorsed the use of martial arts experts in behaviour interventions (see website of James Sumarac
See photograph provided of high fenced empty asphalt area where children are placed.
As recently as 2018, child has reported being tied up with rope and subjected to prone restraint. Medical evidence supports claim both physically and mentally. One parent has witnessed tent in cupboard for child with behaviours of concern.
More than one parent has reported child coming home with bruises, with no explanation from staff when approached. Multiple accounts of negligence and physical violence reported by parents and their own staff. 

Individual Education Plans viewed for a number of children suggest little attempt to educate students-no strategies, no measurable outcomes. Functional communication not taught, communication devices not used. Three discrimination complaints lodged against school in 2018. Some school council members openly support restrictive practices against children.

More than one student witnessed others being tied up.  Therapy involvement minimal.

One staff member has reported sanctioned practice by teacher of student being allowed to masturbate in the classroom under a sheet with a sex toy.

Witnesses from neighbouring school observed children naked in playground.

No evidence based programs – when parents ask for such they have been refused.  Sends students to sheltered workshops.  No following of Victorian Curriculum – school claims activities such as picking up rubbish, weeding, cleaning and riding around in a bus are part of the curriculum.

Lowest expectations of its students, justifying lack of academic teaching due to lack of capacity. Multiple discrimination complaints.  Last one settled 2023. Victorian Department of Education fully support school approach to treatment of students with disabilities, therefore no change is expected at this school.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.



This school has been the subject of a number of nonlegal and legal complaints in relation to its treatment of students with disabilities. It uses the discredited Fountas & Pinnell literacy methodology. One parent has complained about the physical restraint of her child at the school. Parent feedback is unwelcome and lack of acceptable student progress is not enough for a change in educational approach. Two discrimination complaints against the school in 2018, one more in 2020 and claim of false and misleading representations.  Response to complaints – aggressive, hostile, threatening.

In 2021, Acting Principal Joanne Coldabella refused a request, in non-compliance with privacy legislation, to provide personal information in a student’s file.  January 2022, request still not complied with.  Refuses to follow guidelines from the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.

2023 finally were forced to provide their notes, indicating awareness of student feeling suicidal but continued to refuse to provide the reasonable adjustments requested by parents.  Ms Coldabella rewarded by promotion to Principal.



Another special school which is so neglectful and abusive it has attracted an investigation as of 2022. Parents had to drug their children just to attend. Student to student assaults. Over 50 staff left by end of 2022.  Little attempt at genuine teaching as per Individual Education Plans.  New Principal 2023.  School allowed student to be picked up and taken awawy by stranger 2023.




Individual Education Plan

Measurable outcomes in IEP for child with Autism included the following:

Home Work” “Class Work” “Discussions

Strategy for addressing 3+ year literacy delay includes for spelling:

’Johnny’ will be given three words to learn at home.”

IEP sighted. Parent left school after attempting to negotiate IEP for 7 months.

Official DET response is that there is no minimum requirement for any type of quality for an Individual Education Plan. Confirmed by Victorian Auditor General.


TRAFALGAR PRIMARY SCHOOL            Restrictive Practices

School staff started retraining child when he was 5 years old.  Repeated use of physical restraint, including prohibited physical restraint, over multiple years in preference to obtaining expert behavioural assistance.

After traumatising student as per above, suspends, expels. Started suspending the child at 6 years old.  Eleven suspensions. No adherence to Student Support Group guidelines. Restraint “teams”. Non adherence to Reportable Conduct Scheme. No adherence to Restraint Policy.

Child disclosed assault by integration aide to third party through slapping face.  School refused to believe child and aide continues to work.

Worksafe found breaches of OHS Act as school did not provide child sufficient support.

Principal Cameron Nicholls, personally being sued for discrimination 2023.

Practices fully supported by Department of Education.



Punishment driven school for children with disabilities. Withdrawal of privileges, isolation, seclusion, multiple use of suspensions, threats of expulsion, restricted attendance, informal suspensions (requirements to pick up and take home or keep home), rather than the provision of supports to address disabilities. Don’t follow Department of education policies and procedures in relation to students with disabilities.

As is common in Victorian public schools, after complaints were made, unfounded child protection reports were made.

Negative lifelong impacts on student.

Discrimination complaint settled 2022.



Autistic boy has had numerous injuries throughout 2017/2018 at the school that cannot be explained,  particularly concerning as the school claims this child has one to one support at all times. Family left after ongoing unsuccessful attempts to obtain supports for their son, and due to concerns about his physical safety. Child Protection notification made after complaint about school. This is a common occurrence for parents of students with disabilities when they make complaints against Victorian schools.  Discrimination complaint made 2018.


WENDOUREE PRIMARY SCHOOL       Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Restraint used against child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Practices fully supported by Department of Education.



WESTERN AUTISTIC SCHOOL             Restrictive Practices Reported

Restrictive practices

Numerous reports of restraint and seclusion from parents and students. Heavy reliance on seclusion. Aversive techniques endorsed and part of policy (google “aversive stimulus”).

Seclusion incidents not recorded and provided to parents.Discrimination complaint linked with restrictive practices settled by DET.


WONGA PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL  –  Restrictive Practices, Neglect

School uses physical restraint and denies it, despite numerous witnesses. independent witness, web author confirmed directly with child.   Individual Education Plans comprise 2 sentences in meeting minutes. Refusal to allow therapists in school led to child developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, vocal tics, fear of other children and Selective Mutism. Child reports that their funded aide was often not in their classroom. When holding Student Support Group meetings, Principal mutes parents and their practitioners and controls when they are allowed to speak.

Discrimination complaint 2022. Principal Julie Crawford.

Practices fully supported by Department of Education.