Community forums Community forums are an opportunity for people to hear about the work of the Commission and to tell us their ideas. Forums will be held in a number of locations around the country. Dates and locations will be …
Community forums Community forums are an opportunity for people to hear about the work of the Commission and to tell us their ideas. Forums will be held in a number of locations around the country. Dates and locations will be …
Once the Royal Commission receives your submission, it will be recorded, reviewed and used to inform the Commission’s work. It will only be used for this purpose. Submissions made at this stage of the Commission’s work will be treated as …
Whether you use the submission form or phone us, we will ask you some questions about yourself so we can understand the context of your submission, and contact you if we need to ask you any follow-up questions. The Royal …
You can make a submission using the submission form below. If you find it difficult to use the form, you can also make a submission by phoning us or sending us an email. The form indicates the information we require …
The Australian Government is funding a legal advisory service and advocacy support for people who want assistance to make a submission. This support will be available shortly.
We are committed to making accessible and appropriate arrangements for people with disability, and their families, carers and others, to engage with the Royal Commission, provide evidence and share information about their experiences. If you need assistance with the submission …
A submission is the main way people and organisations can provide information to the Royal Commission about their experiences of violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation of people with disability. Anybody can make a submission. The Royal Commission cannot resolve individual …
Auslan The Disability Royal Commission wants to hear from all Australians about their experiences of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability. We want to make it as easy as possible for people with disability to participate in …
Definition of “violence and abuse” and examples. Violence and Abuse-Definition Definition of “restrictive practices”. Restrictive Practices-definition
National Legal Aid (NLA) together with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) will provide a free, national legal advisory service for people engaging with the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with …