Fantastic news in June 2024 with Minister Ben Carroll mandating Structured Synthetic Phonics in order to assist children to learn to read. This will assist children with dyslexia, and any type of learning difficulty which affects literacy. This was not a reform by the Department of Education, this was imposed upon them due to their failure to mandate evidence-based approaches to reading themselves.
Schools do not always act transparently and openly in relation to the practices they use to respond to students with disabilities.
The information on this site relies upon that received from individuals, public documents, court cases and educational authorities’ policies and procedures.

Education Rights

Education Rights is dedicated to providing parents of children with disabilities/disadvantage factual information about Victorian-based schools, and Victorian disability education policy/practice. We also provide information about best practice teaching pedagogy and disability interventions. Our priorities are reliance upon evidence-based information, links with parents, and recognition of best practice in Australia and overseas.